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given how long the chapter is, have you considered steam? they have other VNs there and might get the series a bit more attention.


Sorry, I somehow missed your question. My game cannot go on Steam because of the software I use to create the graphics. It is a license/trademark issue. Most adult VN's you find on Steam were done using a program called DAZ3D, which does not have this limitation. I don't use DAZ because I don't like the way the characters look.

(1 edit) (+1)

Honestly, this is absolute gold. You dont see many VNs with no heartbreak, evil or sadness. Its a nice change. I usually Uninstal games that dont have choices but i got hooked lol. That being said i definitely would love to find a VN like this that let the readers control the story if anyone knows one? Lol


Fucking amazing. Can't wait for the next chapter

You mean this?
Serenity Chapter 2 by N2TheFire (
First episode of Chapter 2 is already public. :) 

Holy shit I didn't even realize.

N2TheFire how do i clear event gallery


Clear it? Do you mean how to make it so you can see everything in the gallery?
I've provided a file that will fill out the gallery - check the post below (read all of it as it explains how to use the "persistent" file). The "" file is attached to the post at the bottom. Just unzip the file into your "saves" folder (replace your current "persistent" file).
Serenity Chapter 1: Version 1.4 (update) (EDITED) | N2TheFire on Patreon

I Meant fully clear all pics from Event gallery


I have no idea why you would want to do such a thing. And I only know how to do it on the Windows PC version. I am not responsible if you break your PC by doing the wrong things here, so make sure you're going into the right folders.

Make sure you're not running the game.
Go into the game 'saves' folder: (Serenity-1.4-pc/game/saves)
Rename the file named "persistent" to anything: (ie: persistentOLD) - note that it does not have an extension
Now go to your appdata folder (C:/users/<yourusername>/AppData/Renpy/Serenity-1597420954)
Inside that folder, rename the "persistent" file the same way you did above.
Start your game... the gallery should be all locked again.

Does anybody knows the games from the MCs screensaver? c: 

It's melody


Oh YES! First of all Amazing job on C2. And second, A text opacity is a HUGE Plus. Nice job! I'd say C2 launch is a massive S-U-C-C-E-S-S

Hello, are there anal things in the game?

how many days are there in chapter 1? 

(1 edit)

What's the difference between the compressed android version and the normal android version?

one is smaller in size, but the animations and images are lower quality

(1 edit)

The normal android version doesn't allow me to download it since it keeps saying forbidden. Do you know how I can download it?

The normal version is larger in size. Make sure you have enough space to download it on your device. Also note that the normal version doesn't work on older devices. That is the reason there is a compressed version.


This is truly a wonderful creation, I can't wait for more content.

(1 edit) (+1)

While I did like this game, this last final update for C1 left a lot to be desired.

C1 should have ended with Demitre at that very last point, with a better focus placed on the harem as an ending plus touching bases with all of the girls (many who have been grossly neglected to this point) and perhaps a very small glimpse into C2 as that would have been a more concrete and solid ending, but rather instead goes on into something out of left field and almost unrelated and even contradictory at points.  MC also seems to be lose a lot of significance in the story.

The changes are so obvious and drastic it literally all of the sudden feels as if you're playing an entirely different game but with the same characters.

That said, I did understand the memo about the hardships and can relate.  Hopefully things are looking up a lot better than they were.

Overall, not bad for a first project.  I did enjoy these past few updates after revisiting from some of the very early builds.  Well done.

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

Ok, just got to the end of final build. It realy was awesome. I think my English will not be enough to say everything I want. This game... Serenity... is very special in compare to everything else I played. N2, I bet you yourself are very bright and kind person in reality. To create such a wonderful story... Im happy people like you exist in our world, it is thanks to existance of people like you I still didnt lost hope in this world. I wish you all the best and looking forward to your other creations and, ofcourse, most of all I will wait for return of Serenity story :)

P.S. I noticed that people complain about lack of suffering and challenge in the story.... F off guys, there are enough storyes about suffering. Enough storyes with helpless MC's. This game is great as it is. I realy like that MC is almyghty and he can solve any problem fast (ofcourse with help of other characters). I like that this game is bright. No need to change this.


Thank you! And you're so right... there is enough suffering and drama in the world. It's hard for me to make something really bad happen and not want to fix it right away. That is a challenge between the writer in me, and the person that I am.

Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad that you enjoyed the first Chapter. Stay tuned for more :)


Just finished. I really enjoyed so far but this last update..... well.... how should I put it.... well it felt a bit out of place for me.  It felt like there were too many sudden changes made to the story and it didn't connect so well. 

But it was a fun ride. 


Disjointed... disconnected... wow, that sounds exactly like my life the last three months while writing that. I guess I didn't meet the challenge of writing while keeping my life separate in this case. Glad you enjoyed the story so far though.


damn dude.. I hope you get better soon. I mean it


well this certainly wasnt my usual type of game, i tend to enjoy more choices of actions in my games.  with that said i still found this to be a fun story to just pass some time with.

I NEED more yandere Kathryn moments that shits just to damn good.

i certainly noticed the quality of the sex scenes and the story writing improved as i played the game further and further.   just like anything else in life you get better at it the more you do it.

with all that said thank you for putting this out here for free, so that us poorer bastards of the internet can have some fun.


im certainly looking forward to chapter 2 mainly just because i wanna see Kat lose her shit when she finds out about Triss


Well hang in there... There will be plenty more of that as well as some other fun stuff ;)


I'm not entirely sure i told you before, but i really enjoyed your VN.
Wouldn't have guessed it was your first.

Hard criticism is no fun.
Just wanted you to receive good comments too.

Is there any difference between  compressed and normal file for Android?

The compressed version was created because older android devices don't seem to handle app bigger than 2gb. The difference is that the quality of the images/videos may suffer a bit in the compressed version.

And how much actually big is normal size for Android 2.0? GB?

Man, I really want to play this game BUT something went wrong during or after the download, something about analyzing the package. I downloaded the normal android version because I wanted to experience the full quality of renders and shit, but my phone is forcing me to download the compressed one. For fuck's sake...

I'm so sorry buddy. I really wish I had more power over how the android version works but I've done all I can do.

Nah, it's cool man, and the problem is my phone, it just sucks. It's a fucking Samsung J2. Yes, I have a goddamn J2 in 2022. This thing is what, 5 years old? More?

And on that note: here is my full review on the game. 

What can I say except awesome? Outstanding game. I know that people complain a lot about the overly wholesome experience with a super nice MC, but not me. Hey, I played games like My New Family for hours and hours so give me that super, ultra corny shit. I'll take it. Especially since here there's a reason for all the wholesome stuff, it literally gives power to all of the characters. A nice lesson for real life, if only more people (me included) would learn that...

As I said, I played using the compressed version, and honestly the renders amazed me, not like my previous experience with Sisterly Lust (yep, I play a lot of incest games. Call me a weirdo), I just had to find a way to play the normal version on that one. 

And the characters had their own special thing, every single one of them. And the ascension is a genius thing, their designs are beautiful and intimidating. 

About the story... well... it has it's ups and downs that a lot of people already mentioned in the few comments I read. I have to point them out BUT for good reasons! 

First, because I noticed how the game improved later on at least writing-wise, dialogues felt really weird and rushed in the beginning, specially with Kat. So congratulations for your progress. And second, because I see a lot of potential in this game, even more after it's first moments. I would say that the overall improvements start a little bit after Kat's ascension and it gets better from there onwards. 

The big problem is that something which is super cool lore-wise kind of makes the lewd scenes too... forced? Which is the fade and it's effects. I get it that it's like a good, never-ending cycle of the characters feeding the fade with positive feelings and sexual energy, then it gives them their gifts (magic, immortality, etc.), amongst other things. But the scenes feel way too rushed, one after another. As I said, it is super cool lore-wise but brings some problems to the feel of the game. 

As for relationships, it doesn't bother me. You made explicit the fact that this is a harem game and, in-game, the characters comment on how the MC attracts females of any species very early on, it is inborn in him, it isn't like he's brainwashing anyone.

And personally, there's one thing that bothered me from start to finish: the scenes of characters commenting about stuff that both MC AND player shouldn't know. I'll use the scene of Cam and Karen talking about the ritual to make the MC the god-king of Serenity as an example. That scene leaves 0 suspense to the player, and so do other scenes. It should just allude to the possibility of someone being lost after the ritual, and without the use of words, just the context of the scene. If the game ever gets a 2.0 super update after you finish it, these scenes need to be modified or just removed for the sake of story telling.

But all in all, with pros and cons, the game is great. I love it, it definitely became one of my favorites and I can't wait for more!

Oh btw, on the matter of multiverse stuff, I really hope that we get to see Lucy from My New Family in the game. There were a few moments with images of the game and her on screen so... nothing more apropriate than a visit from her to a land full of cat girls right? ^^" I hope Killer allows this. 

Thanks for the review. I agree on all your cons. Playing back through my own game (which I reviewed myself actually), I cringed a lot. The entire first 3 days may be rewritten at some point down the road. Anyway, version 1.3 (the next update to Serenity) will be the last update to this particular build/zip file. It will continue in chapter 2 (new build) and hopefully be much better from start to finish - with what I have learned so far. But before I start on chapter 2, I will work on the first release of my next project, Last Human, which is a sci-fi/Neko series (ehh, Star Trek with Nekos? Yeah, something like that).
As for putting Lucy in my game, I did get Killer's blessing to do so but I don't know if I am going to (beyond the few images I already put in). I'm not as big a fan of MNF as I used to be. That's not to say I don't appreciate the wholesome nature of his game, I'm just not an incest fan. I remake those characters in HS2 myself when I bring them in. So, Celeste from Sylphine and Melody (from Melody of course) were my own version of those characters. It takes a while for me to get those right. I'll be adding a few more in chapter 2.

I had the feeling that Demitre wasn't going to be a one and done kind of fight, and Karen did talk about roles and stuff near the end of 1.2. So it only makes sense that you're planning a Ch2 for the game, and it really helps on every front including file size. About Last Human, I planned on reading more about it after I was finished with game, so I'm gonna take a look at the posts but I'm already hyped after seeing all your work and progress in Serenity. 

Abour Lucy, I 100% understand your position, man. Neither I am a big fan of incest, it's not even a matter of liking it or not for me, it's more about not minding it. I don't mind incest irl and that standing kind of transfered to AVNs. I just like the deeper intimacy between the characters, feels stronger than the standard dating sims. out there, not that they're bad either.

And I knew that the game wasn't standard HS, I kept asking myself which software it was. I didn't play Melody but did play Sylphine quite some time ago (0.2 I believe, way back then), so I was like "Why is Celeste looking so different?" and it must take quite a lot of work to make these "special guest" things. And it makes sense that there weren't many during the whole game as of now, only 2 (or 3 if Cinnamon is from an actual existing game). But all in all the game is still one of my favorites, man. Really hyped to see what's next, the universe you created here is something completely new and fun to see.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Oof, the game's story goes at break neck speed and the MC is one of the biggest Gary Stue's I've seen in a VN to date. There is some sort of  mystery/threat going on in the background, but the MC has no troubles or challenge with any of it. Makes the story kinda uninteresting and boring if there is no real danger, which the characters even mention themselves within the game. "Oh, don't worry. They aren't in any danger because of reason XY" is literaly what they say whenever something happens. I know it's probably meant as a power fantasy kind of thing, but other games/stories have done this much better. The girls just look at the MC and fall for him almost instantly (with very minor buildup). Other than that it's not bad for a first try, but I would suggest to not go all Gary Stue in future projects. Make the MC flawed, make them overcome threats and challenges that push them past their limits. Make them also loose, so they can pick themselves up etc, making the payoff better.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Okay, I had posted my own rant back at you but thought better of it, so I am editing it. Anyway, you spent your whole comment on "there's not enough struggle" and "game pacing" (both of which I am fully aware of already). But you never mention what you liked about Serenity. So, no positives at all? I mean, did you think the girls were at least cute? Throw me a bone here! Most reviewers usually give credit for effort on other things and mention what they did like.

Well, anyway... You're entitled to your opinion. Just wish when people post negative tirades in my comments, they would at least put some positives in there as well because I know Serenity isn't THAT bad.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's your own game. If you like what you've created that's all you really need.  If people enjoy your creation/story that's great. Opinions are always subjective.  And I never said it was bad... see my sentence "for a first try it's not bad".  It's nowhere an awful game, not even close. It's flawed, sure, but you are learning and growing as a creator and writer and will improve (as it does in this project). You have passion for your work, based on your reaction, and that's good. Some storybeats I liked, like Morgana's, but they always felt too rushed or too short, making me wish there were more of those quiet personal moments.


You should have worded your post this way. It sounds much better. Yes, I got a little defensive but it is because I bust my ass on this. And if you followed my Patreon and all the stuff I post out there (I really am a long-winded fucker), you'd know that everything you said has been said so many times now, I just get sick of hearing it. I even said it myself about my own work, and even went back and fixed certain things that I knew I could fix in a pinch. Suffice to say, I listen to reviews, the reviews where the person is actually giving me a proper review and giving me critique that I can actually work with. I note these things down, most devs don't care. I note it down to keep in mind for later updates and my next project.
Anyway, thanks for the reply. Hope you will still check out the final update to this build (this is just chapter 1 - Chapter 2 will come in a few months once my next project gets a first release).


Right, where to begin with this one..... lets take it from the top. 

Not gonna lie, i went into this one with not much in the expectations department, particularly in the early part of the game. Then again, i usually dont expect much from games of this nature, helps with pleasant surprises. As such, I never expect a good story, not the best character design or music choice to fit scenes. Boy howdy, this game was all of that and then some. and by some i mean a metric fuck tonne. This game pulled me in in like few have managed to, both with the story as well as the design. I know its a job very well done when i have a hard time deciding the best gril (white lena is winning but by a very slight margin, with trixy at 2nd) lol. 

The story while good was by no means a masterpiece, but it got pretty damn close. It definitely pulled me in, but i didnt find myself completely enthralled by it due to the nature of the content covered. Dude goes from inexperienced yet "gifted" to harem king in 2 weeks? its a little short to really get the depth of character portrayed but thankfully there was enough there to still make the girls loveable and see their individual personalities. thats the only major gripe i have with this game, and even then its not a huge deal. the rest, well that shit was stellar. The setting, the background, overall plot, like dude if this game was produced in japan by a major studio with all those annoying ass mosaics over the fun bits, then id fully expect this to get an anime a few years down the road. Hell, the fate series got that treatment as did MuvLuv, why not you? Speaking of which, I am glad to know you are a fellow man of culture dev, i actually recognised every anime you used for the scenes that involved watching tv, and a handful of the VN screenshots you used as well. Knowing that all i can do is /bow. id give the story a solid 8/10. 

As for the art, i couldnt ask for much better tbh. A lot of other games have a tendency to go a little uncanny valley with CG rendering, but you sidestepped that beautifully. Each girl is fucking adorable, and I sincerely regret not having the power to reach into the screen and give them all headpats (among other things if theyll have me lol). The backgrounds are all nice and bright, if a little primitive but they dont look bad and are well lit in a convincing way. i can imagine that its pretty hard to pull that off. the art gets a 9/10 from me. id comment and rate on gameplay as well but frankly the story more than makes up for that, while choices would be cool to see i dont think theyre necessary in this case. i had plenty of fun just reading thru.

All in all, an absolute banger of a job there dev. I can see the love thats gone into this project and if it was possible for me to fund it completely I would, but sadly im just another schmuck with a penchant for one handed gameplay lmao.  

I saw your recent posts and im sorry to hear of your struggles, but i wish you the absolute best of luck for all of your projects both current and future. Also, please take care of yourself, and enjoy the well earned rest you currently are getting. I await with bated breath for future updates, and i am patient so take all the time you need. All the best man, and a job very very well done


Wow thank you for your kind words. This was my first project. No, I didn't expect to write a masterpiece, and I'm sure it isn't the best I can do. But you're right... I've given a lot of love to this story, along with a lot of stress and long nights. My hope is that with each different, new story I write, I'll improve my writing (and also my graphics work). And speaking of graphics work, I had to poke through the software and pretty much learn it on my own. There aren't a lot of devs out there who will take the time to teach you step by step. With that said, if not for the help I received from new friends I made in a few other devs, I wouldn't have made it. Anyway, thanks again for the kind review. Keep an eye out for my other project which should hopefully have a first release within the next few months. :)

oh I already saw the post for the next one and I'm so getting it when it drops. As for this being your first project, I didn't know and that makes it even better. I got a lot of respect for u for being to pull off such a good story, can't wait to see what u got in future. Ngl I played it thru beginning to end in 1 sitting and forgot to save till the very end. Not many games can make me do that considering I'm an obsessive saver lol. Once again, very well done bud, hope ur recovery is coming smoothly

Could someone tell me the name of the song that is playing at the end of day 9 when MC carries a sleeping Trixy to bed?

It is called "Dangerous" by Emorie. Dangerous - YouTube


Great game and a great story line.  Hoping 'mom' gets more involved. (Well, she's hot, and it ain't my mom.) lol

Really good job, definitely a 'stand out' game.

Are we ever gonna meet aunt felicity?  Asking for a... friend.


Since this is a kinetic visual novel, does that mean it has no choices?


It has very few; none that change the outcome.


Now that I've progressed quite a bit into the story.
I can see why people are loving this game as much as they are.
The characters are well written, and even the MC is likable.
The humor is great, and it's neat to see references to other Visual Novels.
I don't know how much further I have left to go.
But upon completion of version 1.2, I will certainly look forward to future updates.


I'm not very far into the game (currently version 1.2)
But from what I've played, it has a promising start to it.
The music is excellent by the way.


1.2 Update is Awesome! Just realy Awesome! Thank you N2TheFire!


I have stuck with this story all the way through because I personally feel that N2TheFire is one of the Top Developers out there.

Hi, I'm trying to download 1.1b for my android device but every time the download completes, all I have is the 1.0 on my device. I have tried it ten times and every time it just won't doesn't download the 1.1b version of the story. What do I do to remedy this problem?

that is strange. I'm afraid I am not much help when it comes to the android version of my game. Have you tried deleting the 1.0 version first? I know you would have to start over but you can always 'skip' through most of it. I left the option to skip even unread text available.

(1 edit) (+2)

I see people do not comment here a lot, so... Here I am, just to tell that there is still someone here who realy like Serenity and is waiting for upcoming updates :)

N2TheFire, you are one of the greatest adult game developers here, on! Keep up the good work :)


Wow, thank you Zexian, for the very kind words! I'm still at it, not going anywhere. The 1.2 beta for patrons will release by Friday the 29th. Lots more to come in Serenity :) 


You're gonna love V1.2! Just finished first play through of it and ....WOW!!!

Ooookaaay... Now I feel realy impatient!!! :D

What a shame that I cant become a patreon subscriber to support developer... and have updaits earlyer...)


Interesting game so far. Can't wait to see where it goes. Gives me serious MYST vibes

Hello, are there anal things in the game?

How do I get back to the main menu? 

Hmm I didn't notice before but I don't have a "main menu" option while playing the game. I'll look into this. Are you on mobile or PC/mac version?

I'm on the Android version.

Found the problem code and fixed. It will be working in the 1.1 update which is coming within the next 7 days or so. ;)

Amazing. Thank you so much.

why the game is not downloading? every time says it was forbidden


I have no idea, you're the first person ever to ask me this. I just went to the downloads page myself and they all work fine for me. Might be something on your end or your country? Sorry, wish I could help. Try going to my Patreon page to this post and download it there:
Serenity 1.0 Public Release | N2TheFire on Patreon

Or, setup a free Gamejolt account and download it there as well:
(2) Serenity by N2TheFire - Game Jolt


It must be something from my cell phone, thanks for the help.


Loving the story, Fire.

Just got to ask a question, the scene where MC says the "'ll see me staring back at you" bit, is that a reference to Dune where Paul Atreides has a pop at the Benejzerat Mother? Cos if it is, top show old chap.


Yes! You're the first to catch it! Or at least the first to mention it. I absolutely LOVE the Dune novel, and the original movie. :


In my opinion, one of the best Sci-Fi films out there, period.

Keep up the good work my dude!


I was ok with the original movie, have reread the novel MANY times, but compared to Villanueve's version, David Lynch's Dune was kinda a disjointed acid trip. That being said, I also thought of Paul when I got to that scene, so much so that I nearly went back and renamed MC to Paul. :) Eagerly awaiting the public release on Monday, as I am strapped and unfortunately cannot afford the extra for a Patreon

No worries buddy... Serenity will always have a free release. Paying just gets the releases to you earlier. The downloads will be available on itch first. I always upload my public releases on itch first. ;) 

(1 edit)

What is the difference of 0.9sp and 1.0b? 

0.9sp was a re-release of 0.9 (which added Day 9 content) that included redone scenes through the first couple of in-game days. 1.0b was the Day 10 content with some corrections.

(1 edit)

Hi N2TheFire, I read that you are planning on creating wallpapers in the near future. That is an awesome idea and just saying but I think you should begin with Fade Fairy or Fade Goddess, simply because it is the Fade that keeps Serenity going and Fade Fairy or Fade Goddess is an instrumental character in the land of Serenity. Also so far I am really loving ❤ the storyline of Serenity. What do you all think?

Fade is definitely in the top of my list. There will be a public poll soon for everyone to vote that will include Fade. ;)

Hey again, I just have a very quick question, Was version 1.0 that short because there will be a larger update coming out soon? I read through 1.0 in less than 40 minutes and I'm not a very quick reader, because I like to enjoy the storyline slowly. Regardless of the answer I have still voted Serenity as the best game currently on no doubt about it. However, you need to have the MC at least go and visit Cassie and Samantha  because it's almost like they're  both gone. A quick visit to see how they are. A king should care deeply for all his people lol. Anyway, you're doing a great job so far so keep it up.

Thanks for everything. 

I love the game and all the characters. Minor problem is that two girls seem to be almost forgotten. One of them (Samantha) pops up twice after their story ends but that's it. I think they as much "love" as the other girls. 

Like many others I can't wait for the next update.

Nice game.  Loving the story and characters so far. Keep it up. 

Is there any anal sex scene? If not, I would love some :3

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