​Serenity C2 Episode 4 (Devlog 1)

Alright friends, so here we are again, getting back to my 'bread and butter' - Serenity. The currently public version out there now is version 0.3 and includes episodes 1 through 3. Version 0.4 will add episode 4. (Those numbers don't match on purpose, fwiw... just coincidence).

First, a quick reflection on Last Human version 0.7 - I was extremely pleased with the feedback. Yes, there were a few issues and those will be addressed/corrected for the 0.8 version. The biggest surprise was the event with Rin. I knew when I wrote it that some would be a little 'shocked'. And I knew that some would read a bit too much into it. I actually created a post on the topic, and I probably shouldn't have in hindsight. But I did because it bugs me when loyal followers start to worry because of something they saw in the story. I'll go ahead and just say this now - stop worrying guys. Really. There is method to my madness and the outcome will usually turn out in a way that is favorable to most of you. Granted, there will always be complainers (and there were), but I am over all that and from now on, I'm ignoring that stuff and just pushing through. I will complete my stories the way I want to complete them - although making some minor adjustments based on CREATIVE CRITICISM. Yeah, all caps there because that is important to me. There are some people who just don't get that it is okay to post a negative review without resulting to name calling and humiliation. Anyway, I won't go there. I spoke my mind and got it off my chest. But for those who want more detail on that, just check the post I made on my own website: What you may not know…

Now, back to Serenity 0.4... Something that was originally supposed to happen in episode 3 will happen in episode 4. The 'conjunction'. In fact, that is the title of episode 4 - The Conjunction. I almost titled it The Great Conjunction (as a nod to The Dark Crystal). Hell, I still may lol. Some time ago, I posted a very short animation of a girl with long dark hair, holding the fade sword and shield. If you remember the animation I'm talking about (I just used an image from that animation in a recent post actually), then you understand what the conjunction is going to be. So, I won't go into detail on it right now. But the girl you saw in that old animation and that render won't be the model used. I have completely changed her to something - better. Upper tier subscribers (in the $10 and up tiers) will be getting a preview of her soon.

Serenity is known for a lot of sex. Yes, I know it is also known as the 'neko' game... Anyway, this episode will have a lot of that at the beginning. But to prepare you guys, some dramatic things will begin towards the end, which will continue into episode 5 and 6. So if the endings worry you, just stop and remember who you're dealing with here LOL - the king of quick resolutions here. Actually, for anyone who has ever felt issues in Serenity were always dealt with too fast, you will be happy to know this one won't be so fast. (SPOILER) - Anastasia is one tough, mean bitch. There is more to her than you know at this point.

Moving on... For the most part, episode 4 will be about 80% fun events. But as I've told you in the past, we're getting into the 'endgame' material now. And that content is going to last several episodes before we get to those big choices I mentioned... leading to a few different endings based on those choices. Those last few updates to Serenity C2 are going to take a while because of writing and rendering various scenes based on choices. But I have organized a nice 'roadmap' for developing this in a way that I hope will work out best.

Version 0.4 should take between 3 and 4 months to complete. It could be sooner depending on a few things. I'm not going to rush it, but I am planning to put extra time in on weekends. I have some complicated animations I'm going to attempt on my own and a couple of new locations to build and save. Work on this version officially started yesterday. I began coding the script and pre-planning image placement.

That's all for now. Make sure to follow and keep an eye out for future devlogs during the development process. I try to post them weekly. Love you all, ...Fire

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as i said on the other post you made, im not worried about Rin, and it's YOUR STORY to tell ( i can do capilizations too ^_^ )  I';m just looking forward to what's next. just keep doing what you are doing. there are always people who will have a negative view on what you do. one thing i've learned early on with reading unfinished stories ( and there's a lot of em in the AVN world ) is that assumptions are dangerous. so i won't assume anything anymore and just enjoy the story.
keep doing what you do. ( but do it faster /s )

definitely waiting patiently for the update fam you can take your time like always :D


There is method to my madness ~The Fire, N2

I love that sentence, gonna use it everytime I come up with a crazy headcanon story and ending for an OC in a RPG game from now on. 

Well, if Ana is anything like Cammie, it's gonna be playground insults or lower. Unless by "mean bitch" you mean powerful as fuck, if it was then WELL... I'm not worried, MC has a literal etheral wolf companion/lover who shows up whenever he's pissed, and an army of nekos that come together to become Super Neko (and Trina, having a cute fox always helps even if she's not fighting).