N2TheFire Games - Personal Update

Hello everyone,

First of all, sorry there wasn't a 'devlog 4' post this past weekend. I've been helping my brother move and neither of us are in very good shape. He is disabled and we had no one to help, so it was a long process of moving shit, taking a break, moving more shit, etc...

Needless to say, I am exhausted. And now it's back to work (full-time job) and I can't afford to miss any work. I am stuck in the writing process, and I am not 'feeling it' for the last part of the episode. That means a rewrite and I'm just not coming up with anything. It's more than a case of writer's block this time. It's stress with other crap I am dealing with currently. The way I want these last episodes to go is challenging already because there is a lot of things that need to happen, and I have to figure out how to make it work without it feeling like it is happening too fast. And also, without looking like a lot of 'filler'. These are issues that I've had with my games since I started. Sure, I've improved a bit, but it still isn't the best story management.

Given the state of things for me right now, my best option at this point is to get away from it for a few weeks. Deal with the crap that is eating away at my personal life at the moment, then come back with fresh eyes and hopefully get it completed. So, I'll be taking a 2 to 4 week break, sort of. I have some artwork (just some random renders I had been building to share with you guys, plus some for patrons). I'll probably be posting those at random times during this break. When you see 'devlog 4' posted, that will mean I am back on top of the writing.

Meanwhile, I know some of you may drop from supporting and that is perfectly okay. Just wanted you to know that if you stick around, I do have some patron/subscriber-only content (for all tiers) planned and I will be posting that stuff. I welcome your comments and personal messages. And I thank you guys who continue to stick around in between major game updates.

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Best of luck. You've got a wonderful set of games and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of them. Take your time, we'll be here when you get back


I can only agree with the other posters here, Real life comes first. take your time and come back swinging when you are up for it :) 

(1 edit) (+3)

bud, take whatever time u need. stories like yours are worth the wait and frankly ive read serenity and last human so many times over that i basically know it by heart. and here i am wanting more, and never bein bored with it. you got something special so handle ur business and do whatever u gotta do to be ready cuz u got a fanbase waiting, as im sure you can see by this here comments section lol 


Yes N2. Do what you need to do. Get caught up and refreshed then come back to us. Serenity 2 and Last Human will both be here as will we all waiting for your top quality work to continue! Best to you and hope all goes well for you smoothly.


all good you do amazing work.


We love you! Take care of yourself first. Serenity will still be here when you return. :-)


yeah take it ez and take your time your health is important   


wishing you all the best as well fam hopefully things are okay on your end and patiently waiting for that update you can take your time really and focus first on whatever it is you are doing this one comes either 2nd, 3rd or last on your schedule stay safe now.