Last Human Ep.2 Devlog 10 (Public)
This week's devlog is a day early, but that's okay. I have a few things to tell you guys about, then I have to get my ass back to work (for my full-time job).
Alright, real talk... I've ALWAYS pushed hard to get updates out in a timely manner. However, I am seeing now why so many devs tend to take so long with updates. It pretty much never goes the way you plan, especially when you have a full-time job, family, house with a mortgage, etc. I thought that 2 months development time would work out, but it just won't. I always feel like I'm lying to you guys when I say, "if all goes well, it could release on 'this day'!"
Since I don't like feeling like that, and I don't want to get into a habit of saying something will happen at a certain time and not coming through for you guys, I think development time for updates is always going to be around 3 months. It is true that back when I started, I would have an update at the end of each month. But those updates were a LOT shorter, and I wasn't putting nearly as much work into rendering as I am now. Today, I pain myself over each image, what is in the scene, what is missing, and what would make it look better. So, as a lot of you have already told me to do, I'm sticking to 'quality over time' for these updates. I want to make nice images and give myself plenty of time to make sure the story and dialogue is good.
As for current progress, I haven't touched this update all of this week because I've been pulling overtime at my full-time job. We had to completely redo a network that was using an internet routable IP range. Changing that broke a lot of shit that we had the tedious job of fixing. Everything that had a static IP had to be assigned a new reserved IP in the new subnet. Anyway, for those who don't understand networking - it was a huge pain in the ASS. And we got through that nightmare finally. So, I am still where I was in the last devlog pretty much.
Now I did add an image to this post but patreon is giving me that dumb message saying it might be adult. Eh, okay patreon whatever. The criteria it uses to detect that is useless.
Well, not much more to tell for now. Today and tomorrow I'll be busy with the job, and over the weekend, I can finally get back to my favorite job - Last Human. Hopefully I can get caught up and at least be on track for a release by the end of the month. I am just over halfway through the total renders needed for this episode, so it will be close.
Love you guys!
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Last Human
A starship full of Nekos... Exploring the universe together...
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Your an amazing Dev, dont sell yourself short. Sure some Devs can situate themselves into clockwork rhythm but they have a team situation going for them. Loner Devs take a bit longer for releases, trail and error. Not to mention preplanning, logistics, scripting, and so on. If you dont like the idea of setting a deadline, why not place a date for a supposed/hopeful release and keep the Devlog for up to date progress?
Personally, I would do it that way. I would feel better and the supposed release date would be a goal set. Far enough away to ensure there was plenty of time for finishing and testing and so on 😁
Just dont burn yourself out and worry so much, your a lone Dev. Cant put too much on your own shoulders! It’ll stress you out and boom, gray hair and wrinkles 🤣🤣
You do good work and spread it into two stories which isn't exactly easy to work with either. I doubt you'll have anyone upset as long as you keep it honest, there's only a few who I personally have an issue with and that's over years without anything to show for it.
Those devs like that are exactly what I want to avoid turning into. You never have to worry about me just turning away and letting the free money just come in - I do this because I love what I do, not because of the money. Thanks for following and sticking around :)
Honestly I've only been here a few months, stumbled across the last human then checked out serenity. I'm enjoying the stories and the Neko's definitely are the icing on the cake. Definitely glad you enjoy interacting with us either less talented or unable to put something like this together. I dropped my project game back when prg maker xp argued with me about itback in high school lol, now I can't see myself starting again for various reasons. Maybe one day