Last Human (Episode 3) Devlog 3 (Public)
Happy Friday everyone! (Attached render is from a recent patron-only special CG set)
Another long and stressful week from my regular job finally ends. That job is probably contributing to at least 80% of my depression issues. I won't go into details about that here, but it's just a lot of bullshit. I wish I could quit but I'm at an age where finding a new job just isn't realistic. I'm 7 years away from being able to retire from there. If I could make around 4k per month on here, I probably would quit that job (which would knock out a huge part of my problems) and I'd be able to work on my games full time. But I don't like begging and growth on here is a long and tedious process... it just takes time and a lot of patience... and depends on whether enough people like what I'm doing. Some of you guys have been with me since day 1, and some of you have been with me for a very long time. I love you for that.
But back to the real world... For now, we'll have to get by with updates that will come as I have time to work on them. Hopefully that is starting to improve a bit now. I have finished all coding for episode 3 and have already completed the intro animation for the episode. I spent last night working on that. So far this morning, working from home (for the shit job) and that has been quiet. I managed to start setting up the first scene. All I have to do now is add characters and begin rendering scenes. I'll start that tonight. I don't like rendering while working the shit job because I like to be 100% focused on that part of the process.
I have started dividing up episodes into scenes to make things a bit easier for me to manage. This isn't something you'll notice much in the game itself. But in the coding process, I divided up the episode into 16 scenes. This way, I can work towards completing a scene at a time. I can't explain it, but it helps me when I set small goals this way. So, in future devlogs, I can also let you know what scene I am working on, which will give you an idea of how progress is going. Obviously with this devlog, I can report that I'll be working on scene 1. It's a long scene with around 280 images. The entire episode will have about 1400 images (could be more or less depending on what I cut or add during rendering and reading dialogue).
That's all I have for now. Some of you will surely comment or DM me after this with suggestions on improving my exposure. And I appreciate that! But if you want to help me get out there... you can do a lot by simply telling others to try Last Human. It's free and they can support with subs if they choose to after checking it out. You can also post reviews of my games on f95 and itch. Reviews, good or bad still generate interest because interested people will look at how many reviews a game has versus its overall rating.
Have a great weekend my friends, I love all of you, ...Fire
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Last Human
A starship full of Nekos... Exploring the universe together...
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- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 14)Jul 26, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 13)Jul 20, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 12)Jul 13, 2024
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Best story line till played
Hang in there bud. I've been dealing with work crap too, I understand being so worn out from the bs most stuff gets pushed to the wayside. Feel free to throw applications where your talents will net you a better quality of life, you deserve it especially when you're so close to being able to retire. Keep up the good work and good luck
This is a great Visual Novel. Have been following your work since Serenity 1. You are an Really good author and creator keep up the good work.
I didn't made my itch account long time ago but i played N2TheFire's games from Serenity 1 too ^_^
I love last human it is really good ok great who am I kidding,
Keep doing what your doing sometimes we have to pay the piper before we can enjoy life.