Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 10 plus previews Public!)

Happy weekend once again my friends! We're at devlog 10 finally, which if my history serves me usually indicates the 'halfway' point in development, or close to it.

Last week I mentioned that I had to redo a whole bunch of renders because I forgot cat ears. Might seem like a silly thing and some people would probably forgive me but I would know it wasn't right. So, I had to redo them for my sake at least. But that is all in the past, the renders have been redone, the scene is complete... and I'm already well into the next scene set.

I had also rewritten a big portion of this episode a few weeks back, which was another little setback. But these little setbacks are what helps us grow, as they say. And I've learned to pay closer attention and be careful not to get complacent.

(PLEASE NOTE: SPOILERS AHEAD) Captain and crew are finally settling into their roles aboard the Aurora and episode 4 will basically be a prerequisite of us going out into the universe, away from the Pantherian system and into the unknown vast universe that is Last Human. My crazy mind has come up with and written down tons of scenarios and ideas that I hope will be fun and entertaining. Episode 4 will see 2 more 'pets' getting that special attention (because... we can't have a space adventure with a ship full of hot Nekos and not have sexy situations come up, right?) My plan is to ramp up the action, drama, and hopefully some comedy as we progress through the series.

As most of you know, I recently introduced Ecko (whom everyone will call Echo because... reasons). She's a cyborg female from Teldarr who outlived her creators. I originally created Ecko some time back with the intention of her playing a small role in a few episodes. But she came out so great that I thought she shouldn't be left alone as the 'Last Teldarian'. She shares that affinity with Captain as it is, and she will bring an interesting load of story and character ideas for future situations. I won't spoil her story further, but I hope you guys like her.

In spite of the few setbacks, I feel I am still on course for a July 28th beta release. But we're playing this by ear. I am off work (full-time job) today and spending it, and the rest of this weekend hammering away at these renders. I have a few animations to work on this weekend as well. Hopefully I can finish those (well, that is the goal I've set; we'll see).

That's all for now my friends. I hope you all have a great weekend! Love you all, ...Fire

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I like this game so far. Thank you for your work.
Nice to see there are still ppl making AVN not just for sexual content, but with good story and a little bit adult content in the right moments , when it is fitting the story itself.
How do they say ? Balance is of the assence. :)


Hell yeah, love this game so far! Thank you for all the love and detail you pour into these games!