Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 12)

Hello and happy weekend all! It's been 2 weeks since my last devlog. A lot has been going on in that 2 weeks. Mom went into the hospital twice, but she's back home and doing better now. Then I had a pretty bad acid reflux experience in the middle of the night. I woke up and sucked some of that acid into my lungs. I've had heartburn issues for years, but that never happened before. VERY painful. It took about 5 days to get that shit completely out of my system. I take Nexium every day for the heartburn, but some nights I've had issues. Anyway, I did manage to get some work done on the update, just not as much as I would have liked. I think (for now) we're still on schedule for July 28th, a very tight schedule though. If I do happen to run further behind, I'm not planning to rush it to make that date. It would just be late, but complete and to my liking.

I'll keep this devlog short and sweet, and not keep you on this nice day. Thanks for following! Love you all, ...Fire

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I hope you and your mom will both get well soon, Fire. I'm very thrilled for the update to come out (as well as the next updates for Serenity Chapter 2).
Also, Echo looks great in that crew uniform. I can't wait to meet her!
Keep up the great work, and all the best for you and your family.


Hope your mom feels better, I know how that goes, just different circumstances with mine. And like Wildfire said get yourself checked out! The earlier you know the better chances you have of healing. And for the of all things holy, never rush! Love the game the way it is and we can wait a little longer if need be if means you're content with how the game turns out.


Sorry to hear about the heartburn. I've had a bit of that for the last few years as well. Recently discovered it's the beginning stages of GERD so if you haven't you should probably get a gi scope done to see how extensive it is