Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 15)

Hello everyone, happy Saturday :)

To start things off... I just posted a small custom image pack of Kalina on the beach (on my Patreon). It contains NSFW images. The post is open to Fade Angel tier and above. Check it out: Custom Renders - Kalina (Fade Angel and up)

Now to development updates... We're getting down to the end now finally. It is one of the final scenes I'm on now and it is a long one, and a lot of work because it's a new environment that took a lot of experimenting to pull off. I've had to change things, and redo renders several times because I didn't like how it looked. I'm hoping the final outcome will be good. Once I nailed down some interiors I like, I'll get back to rendering, moving ever closer to the finish line on this thing. The scenes that come after this long one are short and not too complicated (end scenes). All that will be left after that is to run through it and place my music. Still a lot of work to be done, but we should be getting much closer to some ACTUAL release dates. I don't want to give a date right now because I hate getting hopes up (including my own) only to let you down. So, just know we're very close.

I'll be taking a shorter break between this release and starting work on Serenity episode 4. Probably a week. That update is super long, and I haven't decided exactly what I am going to do yet. I may be posted a poll sometime after the LH update is released and let you guys help me decide. In any case, one of the directions I am considering is going to be a lot more work than my usual direction. But it would be good for the game overall. I'll have more info on this once I get this LH update done and clear my head.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful weekend my friends... Love you all, ...Fire

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(1 edit) (+1)

Fun story.  I wish updates could come quicker but considering the process, patience is a virtue. Keep up the good work.


I can't wait!