Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 16)

Good weekend to you all...

I've been quite busy over the last week. First, that really long scene (I mentioned last devlog) will finally be completed by tonight. In fact, I hope to complete that and get mostly through the final scenes this weekend. Today, I have a bit more rendering to complete that scene, some animations, then I'll move on to the ending scenes which are fairly short.

In the past week, I also went live with my own website. I ended up having to change the theme I was using because for some reason, what I was seeing on my end is not what you guys were seeing on your end. I requested help from the creator of the theme I had purchased, but never heard anything back. I couldn't get the background and text colors to work properly in comments and sidebar menus. I tried everything I knew how to try. For now, I've switch to a simpler theme that I was able to modify so that it is mostly a dark theme (I absolutely fucking HATE bright white webpages that blind you). If I do ever hear back from that creator, hopefully I can switch back to that theme because I really loved those slideshows. Anyway, all that to say that if you checked my site out earlier this week, it will look different if you go there now. Also worth mentioning that these devlogs will be posted there of course, and sometimes with a bit more than what I post here. So, it's worth your time to bookmark my site and check in there now and then.

Alright, keeping this short today because I am anxious to get to work and see how much I can get done. It is now a good time to be excited for release because that could very well happen anytime between now and next weekend (barring any bullshit that tries to get in my way). I'll keep you posted as we get closer, and will quickly throw a release schedule at you guys as soon as I know for sure!

As always, have a wonderful weekend... Love you all, ...Fire

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(1 edit) (+1)

A question if you would be so kind, Will you be working on LH and serenity chapter 2 alternating?  I love both story lines ( and the lore behind it) so im curious to see what's next.

looking forward to the next chapter(s)

I do indeed work on each novel in tandem. I am currently very close to releasing the episode 4 update for Last Human. Once that is out, I will begin work on episode 4 of Serenity Chapter 2.


One of my top 3 favorite vn's! The opening scene grabbed me and hasn't let go thru the rest of the story. You won't be disappointed with this one!