Last Human 0.7 Public - What's Next...
Hello again my friends! Today, I have gone ahead and made the latest update for Last Human public. I was going to wait until late tonight, but I have some things going on tonight and all day tomorrow and didn't want to leave you guys hanging. So, if you aren't a patron/subscriber and haven't downloaded the update yet, I've just uploaded the latest builds for you here.
So, what's next? I've taken a break for most of this week and will continue that break until Friday the 30th. That weekend, I will begin coding Serenity Chapter 2: Episode 4 (this will be version 0.4 of Serenity C2). Recently, I mentioned that Serenity is reaching the 'end game' content (the early parts of it). Meeting the witch, Anastasia was the first step towards the ending. This sequence of events will stretch out over 4 to 5 episodes (I think). I'm thinking it could end with episode 7. Originally, I was planning on some choices and various endings. But I think at this point, the only choice I'm going to put in is the pregnancy element and possibly seeing your offspring in the final scenes (which could end up going into an 8th episode - I just don't know how it's going to fall into place just yet). I've made it clear that I am not comfortable with having any type of children in my VNs at all, so they may just be "family photos" or something like that you get to see in the very last renders of chapter 2. I have plenty of time to consider how this will play out. For now, there will be a lot of dramatic events taking place during the buildup to facing Anastasia. Mike will have to face her as not a "God" but almost mortal inside the spirit plain. This is where he will have to depend on his harem, Lili, and his sister.
These final episodes are going to be some of my biggest challenges yet in the graphics department. Fighting action, animations, and of course this is Serenity, so obviously sex. I'm going to be really pushing the envelope I hope, in terms of renders. We'll see how it all pans out, but hopefully my Serenity fans will be very pleased with it all.
What happens after Serenity ends? I had thought I would begin working on Viral Affair immediately (in tandem with Last Human). However, I think that's a bad idea. VA will be a completely different beast. It will have a few branches so it will take longer to develop each episode of that. So, it doesn't make sense to try to work on that in tandem with another game. Instead, between Last Human episode releases, I will be redoing Serenity Chapter 1 in small sections. What this means is that after an LH update has been released, I will spend one month working on a section of the first Serenity, release it, then back to work on LH again. So at least LH updates will start coming a lot faster. These Serenity updates will be released directly to public, so you won't need to be a patron/subscriber to get it 'early'. It's very early to talk about it right now, but when Serenity C2 is completed, we'll definitely be crossing this bridge again.
Now... back to the present! I am still working on my website and testing various ways to share my games there so that you have the option to download them there rather than using MEGA. MEGA is great, but it can be hard for those who don't pay for an account. The plan is to have a 'public' downloads section that will contain all of the most recent versions of my projects... and a subscriber section that will be beta versions. It looks like I can do a monthly password-protected page. We'll see though. I may be wasting my time. I have no idea how much bandwidth I'll need to pay for to make it feasible. I am also looking at file sharing services that I can pay for that won't force the end user to pay in order to download. I'll have more on this later.
In closing... you guys already know that I am hoping to be able to retire and do this full time. It all depends on how much monetary support I can gain and be able to live off of it. That's why I'm trying to find every way possible to make things easier for you guys in being able to get my games, even for those who can't support me with money. With this release of LH episode 4, I saw the most new subscribers I have seen since I started doing this. A lot will join, get the download then cancel, which is fine (I've done that myself before). But it shows that there is at least enough interest that I can keep this thing going. I have to write good material, and I have to keep improving with graphics and animations. I also need to work on trying to get releases completed faster without sacrificing quality. These are all things I am actively working on.
Well, that's all for now. I'll get back to playing these two gems that just released recently:
Oppai Odyssey by Cryoxxx
Ripples by Jestur
Highly recommend you guys check them out if you haven't. I'll post the first Serenity C2 EP4 devlog next weekend, until then, love you all! ...Fire
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Last Human
A starship full of Nekos... Exploring the universe together...
More posts
- Last Human: Episode 5 (Devlog 1)2 days ago
- Last Human 0.7.1 Android (Compressed) AvailableSep 09, 2024
- Last Human - Rin Scene Explanation (SPOILER)Aug 23, 2024
- Last Human Episode 4 (ver. 0.7) Release ScheduleAug 15, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 16)Aug 10, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 15)Aug 03, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 14)Jul 26, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 13)Jul 20, 2024
- Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 12)Jul 13, 2024
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Hello N2! Hope you are well after that "break".. We all need a break every now and agin... As for the next project, after Serenity is finished. You are most assuradly right! Taking on a different beast after doing so well tying 3 games together the way you did the Last Human and Serenity games you are in a tuned mind set. Tryin to mix content between Last Human and Viral Affair could be catastrophic for LH and VA both if your mind starts blending them together in auto-pilot mode on you.
Clearly. Take your time and keep up the great job on these stories so they carry you on to your next project with a continuing of the fan base that you have.
Just a blirp about my dreams. IF you where to do a Redux or Revision of Serenity and/or Last Human. Essentially a one run completed game on each one. I would love to see it and I know I am not the only one. Folks will pay good money for full run games like that. You could even offer them as a Collection since they are so well blended together in the story lines. I would pay $30.00 for a "Collection of LH and Serenity 1&2 without batting an eye!! Just a blirp on my dreams. ;<)
lest gooooooooooooooooooo ty very much Fire !